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Our leadership consists of the Interim Priest-in-Charge, the Wardens, and the Vestry.

Interim Priest-in-Charge


The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred Vergara

The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred "Fr. Fred" Vergara is the Interim Priest-in-Charge at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church in Queens Village, New York. 

Fr.  Fred has been an Episcopal priest for over 40 years, serving in parishes around the world and as the National Missioner for Asiamerica Ministries and Director of Ethnic Congregational Development for the Episcopal Church.

The Wardens


Robert Saunders


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Sandra Lawrence-Simpson

Co-Chair, Finance Committee; Co-Chair, Cultural Committee

Sandra has served as a vestry member for eight years, and Treasurer for nine and a half years. She is co-chair of St. Joseph’s Cultural Committee and a member of the Fundraising and Finance Committees. Sandra is also a Lay Eucharistic Minister.

She is currently a part of the leadership team for several projects including St. Joseph’s Tree of Life and the Legacy Fund. 

The Vestry

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Roxanne Adams

Clerk of the Vestry; Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee

Roxanne is a member of the Finance Committee, the Outreach Committee, Hospitality Committee, Cursillo, and Wednesday Bible Study. She actively participates in several ministries and offers her time, talent, and treasure freely.

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Coretta Johnson


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Angela Brown

Co-Chair, Finance Committee; Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee

Angela has been a member of St. Joseph's for over fifty years. During those years, she participated in various ministries, including the Senior Choir, the Lay Eucharistic Ministry, and the Episcopal Church Women ministry. Previously, she served as a vestry member and as warden, and founded the Rector's Aid Guild—now called the Fundraising Committee.

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Reginald Byfield

Co-Chair, Stewardship Committee


Olidia Gordon

Co-Chair, Outreach Committee

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Harold Lowe, Jr.


Harold Lowe Jr. is a baptized and confirmed member of St. Joseph's as well as a member of the Fundraising committee. Mr. Lowe's ministry has included being a dedicated church member, a lay reader, a driver for bringing congregation members to service and other events, and Santa Claus at our Annual Christmas tree lighting.

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Jennifer Maxfield

Co-Chair, Building & Grounds Committee

Jennifer has been a member of St. Joseph's for over three decades and a member of the vestry for the last four years. She is the co-Chair of the Buildings & Grounds Committee, the Fundraising Committee, and a Sunday School teacher. She is also a vital member of several ministries including the Hospitality Committee, Usher Guild, and the Willing Workers for Jesus.

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La Verne Mitchell

Co-Chair, Stewardship Committee



Jeffrey Samms

Co-Chair, Building & Grounds Committee

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Edline Severe-Joseph

Co-Chair, Outreach Committee

Edline Severe-Joseph has been a member of St. Joseph’s Church for over 30 years. She has been a lay leader in the church and has held several positions including Co-Chair of the Youth Choir, Senior Choir member, Stewardship Chairperson, Stewardship member, Vestry Member, and Cultural Heritage Committee co-Chairperson.


Justin Sinclair

Co-Chair, Young Adult Ministry

Justin Sinclair has been a lifelong member of St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church.  While growing up in the church Justin has always been involved in the different activities the church has to offer its youth whether it be going to Sunday School, serving as an acolyte, Young People’s Fellowship, or even being a part of the deanery’s youth choir.  Today Justin serves as a member of the vestry, Co-Chair of the Youth and Young Adult Committee, a member of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, a member of the Audio Visual Streaming Team, as well as occasionally serving as an Usher. 

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Nichola Walker

Co-Chair, Young Adult Ministry

Nichola Walker has led  the Young Adult Ministry which includes the Young People's Fellowship (YPF), Sunday School, and the Acolyte Guild-of which Nichola leads. As a youth leader, she also arranges for our young people to attend events throughout the Long Island Diocese, such as summer camping opportunities at Camp DeWolfe and Episcopal Youth Event (EYE), a national planning committee for young people. Nichola has also been instrumental in coordinating holiday carol concerts with the youth for the sick and shut-in.  As a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), she consistently supports the needs of the church as well as community.


St. Joseph's is an Episcopal Church in the Long Island Diocese. We are a vibrant congregation faithfully committed to worship and creating a community that is based on love, compassion, and service. 


99-10 217th Lane

Queens Village, NY 11429

Phone: 718.464.8913, ext. 2

Fax: 718.464.2366


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