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As a part of Episcopal Health Ministries, St. Joseph's Parish Health Ministry seeks to promote and enhance spiritual, physical, and emotional health through prayer, support, visitation, and education. 

The Ministry promotes healthy living by educating the community about proper nutrition, fitness, preventative health care, screenings, and partnering with physicians and medical professionals. Through seminars, workshops and other presentations we educate parishioners and the community about commonly seen diseases, legal issues, and preventative care measures. We encourage participation and mentorship for the youth in the Church. We provide a network of health care workers within the congregation for parishioners and community members to use for information and as advocates.

Membership is open to anyone with the passion to serve.  Our members include Eucharistic Ministers, health enthusiasts, nurses, nutritionists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, and teachers. Together, we bring our gifts and talents to serve our faith community. 


To find out more about our events and seminars or to join the Parish Health Ministry, please contact Shirley Jones at  You can also follow us on Pinterest at

For I will restore you to health, and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 30:17

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