The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred Vergara Interim Priest-in-Charge
The Rev. Canon Dr. Winfred "Fr. Fred" Vergara is the Interim Priest at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church in Queens Village, New York.
Fr. Fred has lived, studied and served in three countries. In the Philippines, he graduated AB in Political Science and Journalism at Trinity University of Asia and Master of Divinity at St. Andrew’s Theological Seminary. After ordination from the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, he served as priest in city-churches distinguishing himself as a “revivalist” of declining churches.
In Singapore, he graduated Master in Sacred Theology at Southeast Asia Graduate School in Trinity Theological College and served as missionary priest at St. Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral, being in-charge of its two daughter churches. He distinguished himself as a “mentor” to young adults and one of those he mentored became the Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. Rennis Ponniah.
In the United States, he graduated Doctor of Ministry at San Francisco Theological Seminary and was appointed Canon Missioner of the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real. He planted churches in Silicon Valley and Sacramento in California and in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 2004, he became the national Missioner for Asiamerica Ministries and Director of Ethnic Congregational Development. In recognition of his achievements, the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley, California granted him Doctor of Divinity (DD), honoris causa.
While overseeing Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Pacific Islanders, Arab/Middle Eastern) he also served as part-time priest in the Diocese of Long Island including St. Michael & All Angels in Seaford; St. James in Elmhurst, Holy Trinity in Hicksville. He retired from the national office last December 31, 2022 and thereafter served as Supply Priest in Grace Church in Jamaica.
Fr. Fred has written several books including “Filipino Ministry in American Context,” “Mainstreaming Asians in the Episcopal Church,” and the best-seller, “Being Episcopalian.” He is active in social media especially on Facebook as “Fred Bagao Vergara.” He lives in Woodside, Queens with his wife, Angela.