The Tree of Life was donated by Angela Brown in thanksgiving and celebration of her birthday.


In memoriam of the Layne sisters
For Baptismal blessings upon Isaiah Antwi
For Baptismal blessings upon Amaya Grant
and Ace McKie
60th birthday blessings on Sandra Simpson and Roxanne Adams
In memory of Ruth Siegmann's departed
loved ones
In memory of my grandson, Luc El-Art Severe
For God's blessing on Paula & Garth Sinclair
and family
Thanksgiving for Blessings on Olidia Gordon
and Family
In memory of our parents Aureo & Charles Vergara and The Rev. Victor and Fructousa Villain
100th birthday blessings on Virginia Alexander
In memory of Arthur Leo Brown
Senior Day Trips & Bus Tour - Ermine Baptiste
In memory of Paul Anthony Valiant
In memory of Lucy El-Art Severe from the Vestry

Grace Simon
In celebration of Veronica Gunn's 90th birthday​
In thanksgiving for Eden and Ella Brown and their continued service as Acolytes
In remembrance of Vincent Thompson
Confirmation blessings upon Eden Brown
In remembrance of Vincent Thompson
Blessings for the Johnson Family
Blessings for Laurel and Ester Johnson
In memory of Arthur Brown
God's blessings on Karen & Charles Faulkner
and Family
In memoriam of Joshua Lowe
In thanksgiving for blessings on the Jones and Gonzales family
Confirmation blessings upon Jhordanne Samms
In loving memory of Rita Willacy
In loving memory of Lucille & George Nurse
Birthday blessings for Amaya Grant
In thanksgiving for God's blessings on the DeBourg-Parris family and their Church family
Birthday Blessings for Ace McKie
Birthday blessings for Legend McKie
Birthday blessings for Jelani McKie
In thanksgiving for the ability to serve as Treasurer
Sandra Simpson 2015-2023
Birthday Blessings for Noah McKie
For Baptismal blessings upon Lucien Addae Nurse Flores 2024
Thanksgiving for healing blessings on Shelly Rutherford
In memory of my parents, Sylvia and Edward Lawrence
In memoriam of James V. Daniels
Thanksgiving and blessings on Percival Jones for his mentorship in the church finances
In memoriam of Kyomi McKeithen
In memory of my mom, Hyacinth Levy
Eric Clements
Congratulations to Eden Brown on her Art Scholarship award
Gracina and Robert Saunders